Date:Sunday the 22nd June 2014
Assembly:On Sunday the 22nd June 2014 at 05.00am. at Diva Rly. Stn. (Local)
Leader:Mr.Sagar Shende[9920850066] &
Mr.Sudhir Joil[9867058247]
Expenses:Rs.150/- (Rupees One Hundred Fifty Only) approx.
It was in the summer of 1983, when handful of youth desirous of venturous life, decided to form an organisation, named DONGRI- An Organisation for Adventure. The name itself signifies the mood of founders and made confidence, loyalty & sacrifice as base and distinct landmarks, making of the organisation. Soon it became as an Adventure Sports promotion association with able guidance and support of elders and had started undertaking adventurous activities by inculcating the spirit of adventure and curiosity in the minds of the youth and bringing them together as a team.
Since inception, "DONGRI" has strived for channelising adventurous nature of youth for constructive work. The experience gained by our members have responded to every activity with enthusiasm, Zeal, team spirit and have successfully overcoming all the challenges. I have no words to express and describe their spirit and loyalty and I am not only thankful but also proud of their achievements. We enjoyed all our activities with minimum risks and utmost care, so that the credibility, trustworthiness and image will be protected at any cost. Our credentials will speak more about implementation of our aims and objects in a successful manner.